Personal Prospects - April 2024

It is down to each of us personally to claim the dynamic prospects offered by April aspects in eclipse season, Mercury Retrograde and the Jupiter Uranus conjunction.

1st April: Mercury Retrograde @ 27’ Aries

Mercury retrograding in Aries is officially breaking the flow of All Planets in Direct Motion (APDM) and therefore the forward thrust of many aspects of our lives, and of this world, where we have been moving ahead without sense checks or without thinking – both Aries tendencies.  Mercury Retrograde in Aries will draw us into reviewing our ego and its issues, and what we are currently manifesting, which will be ready for an overall.  We mustn’t learn to fear the retrogrades, a la modern social media, but the day Mercury retrogrades, is April Fool’s Day, and the first day of reverse gear is always a bit discombobulating.  Whilst you might be expecting some kind of joke being played on you, check any of your own pranks don’t misfire, and if they do, be wise enough to see if self-sabotage was involved.

3rd April: Venus Conjunct Neptune @ 27’ Pisces Before Ingress Aries

This is a day for lovers and loving.  Venus planet of love and beauty, comes to greet the great illusion or Neptune, and romance and our imagination can run wild.  This is a highly creative energy, pushing the boundaries of our emotional world, as well as the psychic realm.  You can use this day for awakening your senses and feeling into what you want to manifest and all your dreams.  But remember the self-sabotage of April Fool’s Day…there is still the pull of Mercury in retrograde, inviting you to reconsider what it is you actually want and if it is right for you.  Venus moves into Aries the next day (4th April) as the Sun meets with the North Node, destiny point (also in Aries), and here you will have a much better view of what’s ahead, and what you can create when you really want to.  But again, dream big, but do not commit to plans just yet.

8th April: Solar Eclipse 19’ Aries Conjunct Chiron

It is a truth to be acknowledged that the Gods are listening, and more so at this Total Solar Eclipse, whose shadow falls across America.  Yes, it is in Aries, giving each of us a deep activation of what it means to be alive on this planet at this time, the question of why each of us is here, and how can we survive and what is our unique potential.  The exact alignment of this eclipse AND Chiron, the Wounded Healer at 19’24 arc minutes is a precision we cannot ignore.  Chiron wants us all individually to understand our own deep desires, our inner fire and our own quest for survival which may have been thwarted, causing pain or vulnerability.  We are not being asked to revisit the pain, but to have the sensitivity to realise that there is a purpose to it, and that we have a responsibility to resolve it.  There is a unity consciousness coming through and with the Solar Eclipse, Chiron is igniting every single one of us to our unique purpose, born of our initial wounding, which has alerted us to what is required for our ego to be expressed in the best way possible.  We could see this as a gift from the Gods to wake our spirit up in this way and ignite the recent imaginative qualities of Venus and Neptune to dig deep into what ideas we can bring to the worldwide party.  As such, the Solar Eclipse is giving us the keys to open so many locked doors to great opportunities, deeper awareness of our journey and the ability to enjoy them once we have seen how perfectly they are aligned for each of us.

11th & 15th April: Mercury Cazimi & Mercury Conjunct Chiron @ Eclipse Point

These fertile forces are going to keep giving, but it is down to us to make them work, since this is Aries, concerned with the ‘self’ and our own unique gifts and identity.    Mercury, the thinking planet makes a fabulous Cazimi with the Sun on 11th and this is the Super-Size explosion of Mercury’s powers…a Eureka moment is possible, as we connect with inner reasoning around our current reality, the one we have created and are responsible for.  Mercury continues reversing back to the eclipse point and enlivens this spot again – it is still fizzing from the solar power anyway, so Mercury here is the clever operator to ask the right questions, dig a little bit deeper, work out some complex theories as to why we haven’t fulfilled our potential.  What are the blocks and what can we do to move them out of the way to achieve a new awareness of conscious living, that we are more than just this physical reality.

19th & 20th April: Taurus Season With Jupiter Conjunct Uranus @ 21’ Taurus

Just as the Sun enters Taurus on 19th, Jupiter, planet of abundance, expanding everything it touches, makes the exact conjunction with the crazy ass planet of chaos, thunder and lightning, Uranus.  This is the aspect of the year, with revolutionary, explosive qualities that could change the face of planet earth for ever.  The last time these two dynamic planets came together, they started the Arab Spring, the revolution that rocked the Arab world for two years.  Here in Taurus, representing our physical reality, the manifest world, our bodies and planet Gaia, they have the potential to make volcanic eruptions, to literally shake the earth.  If not actual explosions, we might see dramatic outburst and dramatic, unexpected changes in areas such as farming, mining, land (and how it is divided) and forestry, such as the Amazon jungle, or war zones.  We could also see eruptions in areas such as physical consent – sexual and medical, pertaining much more directly to our own bodies.  Earth is surrounded by a sheath of metal as the satellites block our connection to the cosmos and with Jupiter expanding this Uranian age man-made technical interference, we would do well to observe our diet of electricity at this time. We might want to work on our own physical health with protection from electro-magnetic frequencies or look at using vibrational medicine in new and exciting ways.  These digital forces accessing (without consent) or awakening portals to new dimensional realities, can be an incredibly creative at this conjunction, forcing us through to new frequencies and ways of communicating. This is part of our ascension back to spirit where we move away from density, since the shift here can prompt the separation of our etheric, astral and physical bodies that takes us away from the material density humanity has been living in. Also, Venus is the ruler of Taurus and over the two days (20th and 21st) that Jupiter and Uranus come together in her sign, she will be passing the eclipse point (and Chiron)…again, this reminds us to look to our own feelings, and how they contribute to the whole, and how we can heal our own personal programming which will then heal the collective…it just starts with one person to reflect on to the next and the next, to trigger the changes for our new reality to emerge.

24th April: Full Moon @ 4’ Scorpio Square Pluto

April does not let us stop the inward analysis of what we are responsible for, both good and bad, and at the Scorpio Full Moon any misgivings or realisations about abuse, oppression and shadowy tricks are bound to be raised from their hiding places.  What is revealed, no matter how ancient, chronic or distasteful, needs to be aired to be processed for unnerving transformation.  Pluto, Scorpio’s ruler is square to this full moon, so there is absolutely no way of avoiding the force of this power shift as old and toxic ties, dark connections and shady contracts are given an ultimatum.  They simply cannot exist in the shadows as they have been doing and the more we recognise their existence, the less they can control our lives. 

25th April: Mercury Direct @ 15’ Aries Conjunct North Node And APDM

The very next day following the Full Moon, Mercury turns direct and like a breath of fresh air, we can take what we have learnt and apply it to creating a better future.  Mercury is sitting on the doorway to our collective destiny, the North Node, and as such will be inviting each of us to bring this new wisdom to the playing field.

28th April: Mars Conjunct Neptune @ 28’ Pisces

We can absolutely let our imagination run wild as Mars’ connection with Neptune gives us hope and clarity about the misgivings of recent times.  Mars here can cut through the delusion, the lies the artifice of glamour, be that of Hollywood and its darker mysteries, or humanity’s collective veil of confusion.  We can use this day to ask our own questions and search for new possibilities, new frontiers emotionally or creatively, but we must not be in denial about what answers come forth.

29th & 30th April: Venus And Mars Ingress Their Home Signs Of Taurus & Aries

The end of the month is feeling so much more positive and hopeful as Venus moves into her home sign of Taurus on 29th for extra sensual satisfaction on many levels, and Mars moves into Aries, to bring superb assurance and clarity on 30th.  Venus’ contentedness in Taurus (having just opened up several explosions) works in perfect synergy with her male counterpart in his home sign of Aries, aligning our passions with new prospects to achieve fascinating and satisfying outcomes that tick many boxes.


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