Dissolving Barriers - Mar 2024

March is a super creative month, due to planets opening our minds, our hearts, drawing on our values and connecting to the spiritual essence of oneness.

2nd, 3rd March: Venus in Aquarius Squares Uranus in Taurus @ 19’

Venus square Uranus on 2nd March is asking whether your values and your philosophy align with your actions, and whether you need to stand up for what you believe in your heart is right.  Venus is inspirational here and we will feel the tug for philosophical inquiry in Aquarius, but stimulating Uranus, rules this air sign, and will embolden any indignation or disquiet, to come forth.  Feelings of outrage and dismay could rock your world and may not sit well within the ordinary confines of your life.  We will all be inspired to delve into the complexity of hyper-socially aware, modern thought processes and work out whether we want to align, compromise or stand up and be counted.

8th March: Mercury Conjunct Neptune @ 27’ Pisces

These new, and possibly unsettling emotions can bubble under for a few days until the planet of words, thoughts and ideas, Mercury, makes a conjunction with Neptune, and this loosens tongues for mind altering conversations.  It is good to talk and Neptune is known for dissolving blocks to self-expression, so with this, Mercury’s thoughts run free in a beautiful display of imaginative creativity and idealism.  This is your chance to speak from the bottom of your deepest heart, to be heard by the highest angels, as barriers between worlds and even long standing enemies fall away.

9th March: Mars in Aquarius Squares Uranus in Taurus @ 19’

Wherever Venus is this month, her partner Mars is not far behind.  So when Mars repeats the same square to Uranus a few days after Venus, we absolutely have to take the action Venus had ignited in our hearts and minds.  There is no question about whether we stand and fight, even if that means possible losses… Mars and Uranus are ready to fight for principle and for freedom.  The sword, or the knife, of Mars, makes a cutting swipe for liberty with Uranus, and this bodes well for Julian Assange and anyone else waiting to be ‘set free’ from whatever chains they are in.

10th March: New Moon Pisces @ 20’ as Mercury Ingress Aries

What can we do but surrender to the dream world and the emotional tsunami that is the New Moon in watery Pisces?  Perhaps this is an outpouring of utter, bottomless grief, for the amount of killing and deaths (let’s call it genocide) in the world, which could be overwhelming.  We may be surprised that the more vulnerable we make ourselves at this lunation, the more we find connection with others and the more creative impulses arise – a lesson in unity and oneness.  Tricky planet Mercury moves into the fiery world of Aries on the same day and this will bring some fascinating ideas into action, yet also, stirring up a whole host of fresh war cries.

10th March: New Moon Mid-Point to Saturn and Neptune

This Pisces New Moon is mid-point between Saturn and Neptune.  Here we have the restrictive nature of Saturn, perhaps giving a steadying hand to what could be an emotionally unstable time.  And on the other side, the opposite effect of Neptune dissolving boundaries between sides and undoing some of the hard work.  These two giants are due to meet within 18 months and this New Moon is the starter klaxon for the countdown to their first conjunction in August 2025.  Their last meeting was on 9th November 1989, the day the Berlin Wall came down!  This was a perfect example of a Saturnian physical structure of restriction, being dissolved by Neptune forces.  The dissolution of our ‘monasteries of empire’ starts here and now, at this seemingly innocent Pisces New Moon.

17th March: Sun Conjunct Neptune @ 27’ Pisces

When the Sun meets up with Neptune a week later on 17th, we are treated to another flourishing of Piscean swathes of sorrow and heartache, as well as love and creativity.  It does mean that if tears were flowing for you at the New Moon, they will keep flowing.  The surge of grief that will have opened, will be catching, and empathy for the plight of others around the world will reach epic proportions.  This worldwide flow of emotion is perhaps the key to how Neptune opens the doors to the psychic realm and the potential for ultra-spiritual or inter-dimensional communication is very real and worth exploring perhaps?  Be ready to feel connected to ‘all that is’ and even receive otherworldly thoughts and ideas to get your most imaginative, creative juices flowing.

18th March: Mercury Moves Into Shadow Conjunct North Node @ 15’ Aries

If we are not sure about the way things are going, here comes Mercury to step into the shadow zone of his up-coming Mercury Retrograde which ends the All Planets Direct Motion: APDM.  It is often with hindsight that we see what was occurring at this shadow point, that will need to be reconsidered, reorganised or recapitulated in the retrograde.  We are in a period of unhindered forward flow and the North Node, point of destiny, is standing at this shadow entrance, like a trumpeter announcement; we know that something is about to start, as this is an impulsive Aries doorway.  It feels like a significant leap forward, a decision perhaps, a signing of an agreement even.  Yet come April Fool’s Day, when Mercury stations retrograde, we will understand more deeply the caveat to this forward thinking influx…however this is no joke, even if it seems totally unbelievable.

25th March: Lunar Eclipse 5' Libra on South Node

An eclipse in Libra is always going to bring up the dynamic of relationships.  And now with a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the South Node, indicating the past, old foes (and even old loves) have the chance to dig up old wounds.  Are these ancient adversaries relevant anymore, we might ask.  Can we move past the opposition and into some kind of compromise.  This isn’t just a decision for a moment’s consideration.  This is a turning point in the wars going on right now, as well as in our personal lives, if indeed we have planets around 5’ of the air signs or Capricorn, Aries or Cancer.

30th March: Eros Conjunct Uranus In Taurus @ 20’

The asteroid Eros (cherubim with the love darts), has been silently working his way through Taurus and on the last day of March, meets with the electrical super-power that is Uranus.  As much as we have been focused on relationships and keeping our emotional cool, this little fellow now has the big thunder bolts of Uranus to set in his bow and arrow.  Eros’s weaponry has just gone turbo, so is it possible that a surprise effusion of reconciliatory words will be blurted out from the heavens, from even the global governance, to give peace a chance?


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