Fast Tracked Joy - May 2024

We’ve been waiting a very long time for a series of super beneficial aspects such as those taking us through May.  This is manifesting your dreams MAGIC.

1st May: Mars Ingress Aries

Obviously Mars in his rulership of Aries is going to escalate all things masculine, fierce and antagonistic, and therefore also the war mongering.  The aggressive division and posturing can be dialled up to ten or 11.  However, Mars is in a cute sextile to Pluto, who is ‘with the people’ in Aquarius, and perhaps it is THEY who are gathering in their thousands, to raise their objections to a war strategy they (we) do not believe in.  Venus making a square to Pluto will also mimic this, and Mercury passing the North Node and on to Chiron by the 6th May will highlight the huge emotional cost of continual fighting.  This reflects the global situation, but if this touches any personal planets or angles, there are bound to be ideas for which you want to fight, but must consider what it means for the future.

2nd May: Pluto Retrograde @ 2’ Aquarius

As personal planets Mars and Venus, both in their rulerships, are in contact with Pluto, his retrograde turn on the 2nd May will be felt more personally too.  Pluto will take his ‘power to the people’ in a more inward, soul searching direction, and perhaps, a deeper reflection in what is really transpiring within society, since this is Aquarius’ domain.  Pluto Retrograde finishes the long period of All Planets in Direct Motion, where many situations have been flowing easily along, but now require some honest to God analysis and perhaps a forcing of the hand in revealing the truth in new philosophies that have been allowed to run free and wild.

6th May: Mercury Conjunct Chiron @ 21’ Aries

Mercury is still in the shadow of his retrograde when he transits Chiron, who is fresh from the eclipse, causing many a deeply-held conviction to be questioned.  There is a new idealism approaching with this conjunction and a deeper sensitivity to be considered.  Don’t miss this opportunity to understand your own motivations and therefore new potential as this could be showing you the light at the end of the tunnel.

7th in USA, 8th May UK / Aus: New Moon in Taurus @ 18’

A New Moon in Taurus is an activation of all things manifest and physical.  It is the territory of Mother Earth and is phenomenally fertile both in terms of making babies, growing projects and in creating wealth.  The caveat here is that the fertile codes are coming from the earth, surging forward through our bodies, and so we have to feel any sensations coming up and to create from what our bodies are telling us, to bring about our desires and loves.  As this New Moon is four degrees away from the recent, mega explosive Jupiter Uranus conjunction, there are surprises in store when we do tap into what our bodies are telling us.  Perhaps more surprises concerning our bodies and what our health agencies have been telling us is fact, when they have commercial interests as the goal.  Nonetheless, this is manifesting magic right there and a time to tap into your ‘health as wealth’ and do the Law Of Attraction thing, where you feel like whatever you desire has already happened.

12th & 13th May: Sun Conjunct Uranus as Mercury Leaves Shadow Zone

Yet another couple of days to expect magical surprises to occur and an elevation of our vital energy, a quickening if you like.  As the warming forces of the Sun meet with the planet of surprises, we can expect the most incredible fireworks, especially designed to match everything we have been feeling over the last week – a super alignment of blessings to watch out for.  As much as we might be advised to be practising Law of Attraction at this time, Uranus is providing us with a telephone to God…be careful what you wish for, the Gods are not only listening, they are being dialled in and are ready to deliver your order in dramatic style.  Think of it, and it happens.  And as Mercury leaves the shadow zone the next day, we are now covering new ground with fresh hope for a better future.

15th & 17th May: Mercury Ingress Taurus to Square Pluto Aquarius @ 2’

All these inspirational ideas are put into solid earthiness as Mercury enters Taurus, so we can trust the flow of thinking as it develops here.  We can also stamp our feet and make some noise to push through with our goals, even as Mercury squares Pluto, we still hold fast to the truth, despite the naysayers or anyone trying to hold us back or making us consider ‘their’ bigger picture.  This is ours to claim and we can think about ‘the others’ later. 

19th May: Mars Conjunct North Node @ 14’ Aries

When Mars meets the doorway to the future on 19th May, we will be glad we held on to our personal truths, our soul mission.  Mars at the North Node can make things happen, and happen fast.   And with crazy Uranus being so active, opportunities will be springing from nowhere.  This meeting in Aries concerns our own ideals, our own inner truth, and as this relates to the recent Solar Eclipse, it is our soul speaking and we are in for this ride - it’s what we have been asking for.

20th & 22nd May: Sun Ingress Gemini to Trine Pluto Aquarius @ 2’

Gemini season starts with a huge cheer.  Not only have we been benefitting from so many supportive, beneficial days, the Sun immediately chimes with Pluto in Aquarius and with these two air signs we will be flying high, connecting us to a frequency that resonates with where we want to go and what we have been imagining in our future.  The Sun in Gemini trine Pluto wants us to join all the dots, to make much more sense of our place in this world as it changes beyond recognition.  The Gemini tools of clever wit and expressing new-fandangled ideas quickly and brilliantly will help us align smoothly with the opportunities that have been brewing.

23rd May: Full Moon @ 2’ Sagittarius & Venus Conjunct Jupiter @ 29 Taurus

This must be the luckiest loveliest day of the year. Mark it in your calendar and see what little angel comes around.  Sagittarius is ruled by lucky Jupiter, the planet of abundance, so the Moon is filling our cups already, when the lovely, magnetic planet Venus joins Jupiter for a love match.  These two, Venus and Jupiter, are the benefic planets, those most sure to deliver goodness and when they get together at one of their rulership’s Full Moon, the effect can be an explosion of joy, beauty and wonderful possibilities.  Venus, planet of love and money is meeting Jupiter at the anaretic degree, the last degree of Taurus, heralding a completion or much needed approval to green light something incredible in our lives.  We must look at where 2’ Sag and 29’ Taurus is in our charts in order to make the most of the magic streaming towards us.

24th & 25th May: Venus then Jupiter Ingress Gemini

Venus holds Jupiter’s hand as he makes his annual change of sign.  Jupiter moving into Gemini is going to be the cat amongst the pigeons within the media (social and mainstream), where the ideas of censorship, of fact checking, of privacy and freedom of expression are all going to go stellar for a year of communication activation.  We must remember that Venus was here at the beginning which feels good, but she is known for preferring the more convenient and colourful truths, so facts and alternative facts are going to have to slug it out all year as Jupiter expands the notion of freedom of speech to its limits.

29th & 31st May: Mars Conjunct Chiron And Mercury Conjunct Uranus

Mars conjunct Chiron is our sense-check that we are happy with what transpires, or at least not incensed by it. Mars will elevate any of our chironic wounds in order that we bring awareness to and actively pursue resolution of anything that triggers us…we cannot take that ‘stuff’ where we are going.  As Mercury makes the connection to Uranus, the lower and higher octave of communication and lightning flashes of inspiration, we are yet again inspired to step up and shout our desires from the rooftop, ring our own bell of hope.  As much as this might seem like a chaotic free for all, a new world is being birthed and it we must pay attention to the madness and be inspired.


Personal Prospects - April 2024